
Would you like to contribute to Rundale? We are now inviting submissions! 

We welcome proposals for short and long-form articles (up to 1,500 words), visual essays, reviews, interviews, or other creative online formats that fit with Rundale’s aims and (low-tech) ethos. 

How can I propose a contribution? 

Before you submit a proposal, please read through our About page, and take a look at some of our recent articles, event summaries, book reviews, and multimedia pieces. After you’ve gotten a sense of Rundale, and are confident that your proposal would be a good fit, we invite you to email your pitch to

Your pitch must include your name, title of your proposed contribution, along with a short (up to 300 word) description of your proposed contribution, including topic, and key points, and format (e.g. article or review). When sending your proposal, please use the email heading ‘Rundale: proposed contribution’ and your name.

Rundale has no income sources and is running on a voluntary basis, so we regrettably don’t have funds to pay for contributions. We appreciate the limitations of this, and will try to ensure the publication process is not overly time consuming or demanding.

The process: 

Proposals are reviewed regularly in our editorial meetings. We will do our best to respond to authors within two months to confirm our decision. 

If your proposal is selected, you will be invited to prepare and submit your contribution ahead of an agreed publication date (usually within one to three months). 

All of Rundale’s contributions undergo a short review process, where two reviewers provide feedback to ensure your contribution is clear, accurate, and robust. Once you have responded to any feedback from the reviewers, we will prepare your article for publication on Rundale’s website.